Things I Took For Granted.

For the last couple of years, I’ve gotten into the habit of writing three things that I am grateful for every day. Because of this, I thought I was a fairly grateful person, but a recent injury helped me understand that there are many things I took for granted. Being able to walk was one of them.

I remain in awe of all of you, ❤️

Happy Teacher Appreciation Day. First and foremost, for those of you who are educators, thank you for everything you do for students every single day. Although I have never been a classroom teacher, I had the privilege of collaborating with inspiring educators across the country during my eight-year tenure at The George Lucas Educational Foundation (known to the world as Edutopia), and I can tell you that what you all do is nothing short of a miracle.

Ebbs and Flows

Many of you know that I love to kayak. If there’s a week that I’m not on the water, I tend to feel uninspired and stuck in the doldrums of life. I get this “fish out of water” feeling from my father who grew up sailing the San Francisco Bay, and he got that feeling from his father who skippered some of the biggest ships into the Bay.

I'm thankful for you.

As I write this, COVID-19 cases are surging across the US; it’s triggering for me to put it mildly. I never thought I’d be saying that I am thankful to have been able to be with my father as he passed from this deadly virus, but I am. My heart goes out to the thousands of people who will not have that opportunity.