I'm thankful for you.

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Newsletter Volume 3

As I write this, COVID-19 cases are surging across the US; it’s triggering for me to put it mildly. I never thought I’d be saying that I am thankful to have been able to be with my father as he passed from this deadly virus, but I am. My heart goes out to the thousands of people who will not have that opportunity.

Speaking of being thankful, many of you know that I do not outwardly get political but throughout this administration, I have been outspoken about our lack of education leadership (read my open letter to Ms. DeVos from almost four years ago). It brings me tears of joy to be able to say goodbye to Betsy Devos and also, to welcome the education transition team led by Linda Darling-Hammond, someone I’ve admired for decades. Another significant win for education is that we will have an educator in the White House. That’s worth repeating — an educator is going to be in the White House!

This November is packed full of both highs and lows. What keeps me going in these turbulent times is gratitude. I am so very thankful for my talented and selfless team at Leoni Consulting Group. We’re more than just a team -- we’re a family that not only continues to do work that matters in education, but we also do it while wholeheartedly supporting one another. If you’re reading this, I’m also extremely grateful for you. Many of you are part of the movement working every day to improve education. You inspire me. Also, the reason why LCG continues to flourish is because of you. Many of you have reached out with support, referrals, and advice. Last but certainly not least, I’d like to thank our incredibly courageous and selfless educators, who are on the frontlines to educate our future generation.

Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart, and take care during this week of thanks.


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Ever wonder how often you should be posting on social media? You’re not alone. It’s confusing, nuanced, and changes all of the time! We crafted this helpful infographic to guide you.

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As we get ready for Q2 (where has the time gone!?), use this planner to help create valuable, timely, and relevant content. It includes events, holidays, famous birthdays, and conferences aligned with education and learning for the rest of 2021.

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We’re thankful for you making it to the end. 🍁🦃 Our team listed what new things they are grateful for in 2020 that we took for granted. Continue this trend and post what you’re thankful for on your favorite social media channel and tag us (@leonigroup).

  1. Food delivery and take-out

  2. Comfortable clothes and PJs w/ house socks

  3. Having a home and yard

  4. Good health

  5. High speed internet

  6. Direct to streaming new releases

  7. Drive-ins

  8. A mini crock pot with seasonal scents brewing 24x7

  9. Animal Crossing + fun updates throughout the whole pandemic

  10. Caramels, bubble water, and popcorn

  11. The imagination and creative energy to amuse myself while socially isolated

  12. Being able to work from home

  13. Grocery delivery

  14. The flexibility and grace I see in so many people

  15. Community lifting each other up

  16. Books

  17. Staying connected with friends & family who are far away

  18. Having kids who like to play with each other (most of the time)

  19. My small town where I can walk everywhere

  20. My kayak

  21. The simple pleasure of writing and receiving letters and cards

  22. California weather

  23. Rachel Maddow

  24. Snuggly kitty cats

  25. Friends who pick up the phone