How Autumn Can Inspire Change in Edu ๐Ÿ‚


Volume 28

And, just like that, autumn is here. While spring tends to be characterized by new beginnings (things sprouting and blooming) and the ever-famous cleaning, autumn is typically a time marked with change. Every year, autumn shows us that change is necessary and reminds us to let go of what no longer serves us. The trees change colors and let go of their leaves, and their roots dig deeper into the earth to prepare for winter.

โ€‹Autumn is full of changes in education for educators and EdTech professionals. Educators are settling into the new school year, and they're doing whatever they can to make sense of what's thrown at them, and make no mistake -- A LOT is being thrown at them. In EdTech, there's a rush to complete annual company goals in less than three months amidst EdTech winter layoff predictions. The purchasing cycle for the 2024-2025 school year also kicks into full swing as K-12 administrators and decision-makers begin to gather information and gain awareness about EdTech products and services that will uniquely help them solve their top challenges. Lastly, educators using your product are in full-implementation mode.

Now is the PERFECT time to shed what's not working and make room for what may work better. I recently came across a Facebook post of one educator as they shared their thoughts that weren't helping them ("If only I had more supportโ€ or โ€œIf only I had less to do"). They reframed them into thoughts that supported, empowered, and nourished her ("I got a lot accomplished today.โ€). If you are working in an education brand, I urge you not to ask educators to do one more thing but rather ask how you can help them and provide them as much value as possible. Use your top-of-funnel and middle-of-funnel marketing channels, such as social media, content marketing, PR, event marketing, etc., to increase your brand's reach and awareness. Crafting timely content that your audience values is critical in this awareness stage.

Remember that before leaves fall, they change color. Change is never easy. You may find that youโ€™ve formed an identity based on these things you ultimately need to let go of, and just like trees do, now is the time to dig deep and prepare for the winter ahead.


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Use this helpful download when crafting any social media job descriptions. Itโ€™ll ensure you find someone who demonstrates skills in strategy, community building, data analysis, and more.

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"educator voices," with some text bubbles

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Elana, our CEO, recently dislocated her knee, and if you have had an injury, she recommends all of these goodies:

  1. โ€‹NOVAA LIGHT PAD - The Deep Healing Therapy - This is magic. It uses deep red light LED technology that helps your skin and muscle tissues heal faster.

  2. All sorts of anti-inflammatory cream: Topricin | Voltaren | Ancient Minerals Magnesium Lotionโ€‹

  3. โ€‹Ice packs (Chattanooga is the best and ice consistently!)

  4. If youโ€™re lucky to be on crutches (insert sarcasm), this accessory saves you all sorts of trips.

  5. And because you need to still look fabulous, these Eye Gel Pads use marine collagen to reduce wrinkles, puffy eyes, dark circles, and eye bags.