Prioritizing What Matters Most. đź’Ś


Volume 27

Sometimes, life provides moments that remind you of what’s most important. Last week, I spent some time in the hospital with my mom. Although it was a tumultuous week of talking with doctors, nurses, and physical therapists, I didn’t feel guilty for not being at work. I told myself, “You are right where you are supposed to be.” When that voice on my shoulder attempted to guilt-trip me with my work responsibilities, I was able to quiet it by simply planning out my adjusted work schedule. I also snuck in moments to eat, hydrate, and even escape with a good book. (See the bonus section of this issue for some fun book recs.) Doing these little things helped me show up at work and at the hospital as the best possible version I could be of myself.

I bring this recent experience up because as the school year begins, it’s more important than ever to give ourselves grace and prioritize what matters most – and that starts with you. Anyone working in education knows it’s a marathon, not a sprint. It's critical to take care of yourself throughout the ebbs and flows of the school year. So, set those boundaries and stick to them. Take time for loved ones as guilt-free as possible. Plan moments that are just for you, and never shame or guilt yourself for prioritizing things that matter to you.

I ended last week with a big smile on my face. My 4-year-old niece recently had her first day in kindergarten, and her beaming smile and confidence fill me with hope and excitement for everything she’ll learn and experience this school year. I casually asked if she liked her teacher and made friends on her first day. She confidently said, “Of course, Auntie. What kind of question is that?”

I’m channeling her confidence and optimism as we all embark on another school year. Many of you know that the LCG Foundation owns and manages Nourished Teachers, a Facebook group of 750+ educators who have committed to creating a supportive space for one another to focus on themselves, grow together, and share the joys and struggles of teaching. If you are a classroom teacher and want to be part of a nourishing community of teachers who encourage and uplift each other, consider joining.

I wish all of you a year filled with excitement, learning, and, most importantly, a year that takes care of and prioritizes YOU.

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Free CodeHS Pro License for Teachers​

The LCG Foundation is giving away one-year CodeHS Pro Licenses (a $750+ value!) to U.S. K-12 educators. Get a suite of K-12 computer science teaching tools, standards-aligned curriculum, and PD resources to run a high-quality CS program. Apply by 9/1.

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These are some of my favorite reads that have kept me entertained, turning pages like crazy and even laughing out loud.