First EdTech Karaoke, ISTE 2011, Philadelphia. Photo Credit: Elana Leoni (photo booth)
Volume 25
It’s officially summer, and for those of us in EdTech, summer kicks off with the biggest EdTech event of the year. ISTE is happening this week in Philadelphia, and it's got me reflecting on my journey in EdTech and how much has changed and yet stayed the same.
Fun fact: The now-famous EdTech Karaoke was born in 2011 at ISTE Philadelphia. While I was at Edutopia, I was able to partner with other EdTech brands to birth the idea and bring it to fruition.
It’s been 12 years since that first EdTech Karaoke and 13 years of me attending ISTE/NECC conferences. I feel like I've grown up going to ISTE. I’ve forged friendships with educators across the US. I’ve sat on the floor of bloggers' lounges listening to keynotes and learning from educators. I’ve facilitated sessions on the power of social media with educators I admire. I’ve cheered on educator friends who keynoted the conference, and during all of this time, I have met some of the most inspiring humans.
ISTE has always been, as my friend Adam Bellow says, "our social glue." It’s where our virtual handshakes, interactions, and collaborations transform into in-person and it’s absolutely awesome. This year, I have no doubt that AI and ChatGPT will be all the rage at ISTE.
Despite new tech on the scene, the conversation surrounding EdTech remains constant. How do we ensure tech is thoughtfully integrated in a way that enhances and does not distract learning? How can we use tech in a way that motivates students to become creators and not just consumers? How do we combat the ease that technology provides with the value of experiencing failure, learning from mistakes, and developing critical-thinking skills? Above all, how do we ensure equity and access as new tech enters the classroom and unforeseen challenges arise?
And here’s the holy grail question: What truly works to help students become empathetic, critical thinkers that can demonstrate the agility and skills necessary to thrive in a world full of challenges we cannot even imagine? Although EdTech tools have ebbed and flowed, the questions tend to remain the same.
Reflecting back, I’ve never been prouder to devote 15 years of my career to EdTech and help uplift so many inspiring voices in education. Every ISTE reminds me that what matters most is not the technology specifically but the educators who thoughtfully use EdTech and those who intentionally create support networks to help them navigate it all.
Take care,
Free Audits at ISTE
Need help with your social media, content marketing, and/or community? Book some time to connect with Elana at ISTE. There are only a couple of spots left on Tuesday and Wednesday. Book a spot.
PS: We'll also be having our annual party Tuesday night (6.27.23). RSVP (limited capacity).
EdTech Conference Planning Social Media Checklist
Headed to ISTE? EdTech brands can follow this checklist to make the most out of the biggest EdTech conference of the year.
Fulfilling Educator Wishlists for Teacher Appreciation (podcast)
Upcoming Q3 K-12 Events, Conferences and Birthdays that EdTech Marketers Should Know About (blog post)
Leveraging Media for EdTech Success: A Conversation with Thomas Rodgers (podcast)
[Popular] Social Media Strategies That Work in 2023 (blog post)
Love our podcast? Leave a review!
Marketing & Community
How to Generate More Qualified EdTech Leads on a Tight Budget - Responsify
Social Media Marketing Industry Report - Social Media Examiner
State of Community Management 2023 - Community Roundtable
LinkedIn Algorithm Comment Boosts Revealed - Richard van der Blom via LinkedIn Post
How To Map Content to Customer Intent (and Make Your Sales Team Happy) - Content Marketing Institute
How to Help Students Resist Their Phones and Develop Better Digital Habits - Edutopia
Report on AI and the Future of Teaching & Learning - Office of Educational Technology
EdTech is Dead–and maybe that’s OK - Mary Beth Hertz
Product Lessons From Duolingo’s Former Chief Product Officer - Reach Capital
Supporting Intermediate English Learners in Every Subject - Cult of Pedagogy
BONUS: A Map of AI for Education - Laurence Holt on Medium
This is your friendly reminder to listen to educators as much as possible.
I spent the last couple of days listening to and talking with secondary school administrators from across Virginia. You know what their big challenges and concerns are? They are most definitely not NAEP scores. They are most definitely not whether schools were remote too long.
— Jon Becker (@jonbecker) June 21, 2023
What's in Your Bag? Share the contents of your teacher bag or backpack! #PostForPencils
— Courtney Jones (@support_a_teach) June 5, 2023
Financial Manager - UIA
Director of Operations - Forthright Advising
News Literacy Ambassadors - News Literacy Project
Communications Associate - Whiteboard Advisors
Account Executive - Charlene Blohm & Associates
In the spirit of ISTE being in Philadelphia this year, we asked some folks what the BEST Rocky movie was...and the results are in! Want to weigh in? Take this poll.