Volume 15
I’m actually not sure I had COVID. I’m mostly just confused and exhausted. I never tested positive despite the exposure I experienced but testing positive now depends a lot on when exactly you test and the type of test you use. Whatever it all was, I had never felt more horrible. My whole body hurt in ways I never thought possible. During this time, my family tested positive and I spent my days riddled with anxiety. At the height of my anxiety I would think to myself, “I just don’t know how I would survive if I had to lose another member of my family to COVID.”
My father passed away from COVID in 2020 and I saw firsthand what this horrible virus can do. This recent experience brought all of this trauma back. All of a sudden I was at my dad's hospital bed, holding his hand and telling him that I love him over and over again.
Whether you’ve lost someone to COVID or not, the constant anxiety and trauma around COVID has completely exhausted us all. And for many of us, it's becoming unmanageable for us to juggle work and the chaos of everyday life.
For those in the classroom, it’s so much worse. Teachers are getting sick left and right. They’re running out of sick days and getting a sub is a luxury that rarely occurs. Principals are scrambling every day. Many teachers around the world are striking. Teachers are crying out for help and TikTok viral videos like this are beginning to tell a story of all of the thankless things teachers are doing daily.
So what do we do in the midst of all of this? We simply do the best we can. Let me say that again because it’s worth it. We are all doing the best we can. However difficult it may be, it’s important that we vocalize our struggles to begin to normalize talking about them. Sharing my story was extremely hard but I hope it may empower many of you silently enduring the worst public health crisis in a century.
Take a moment to check in with yourself. How are you doing, really? Are you burying all of your struggles and anxiety away? Believe me, these things catch up with you and sooner or later it’ll rear its head in an ugly way. Talk to someone. Talk to me if you'd like.
Take good care,
New Year. New Planner.
If you’re like us, January went by in a blur. If you haven’t had time to plan for the year, check out our free EdTech Marketer’s Planner. It has events, holidays, birthdays, and even conferences that best align with education and learning — all within an easy, downloadable calendar format.
If one of your resolutions is to learn more, check out our new podcast “All Things Marketing and Education.” It’s an easy way to get practical and inspiring information. Listen to us on your daily commute, while you’re walking the dog, or even doing dishes. Here’s a list of our most recent episodes:
Data, Evaluation, and Impact in EdTech: A Conversation with Jason Altman Torres
Inequities Exposed During the Pandemic: A Conversation with Sarah Thomas
Essential EdTech Lessons Learned During the Pandemic: A Conversation with Monica Burns
Making a Deep Impact in Education: A Conversation with Chris Walsh
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